Arrays class usage in Java
Java provides the “Arrays” class to perform sorting , searching and comparing arrays.
Let’s see simple example:
int rollNumbers[] = {23,12,59};
for(int i=0; i<rollNumbers.length; i++){
System.out.print(rollNumbers[i] + " ");
The result is 12,23,59 as expected.
Guess the output of the below example:
String rollNumbers[] = {"10","9","100"};
for(String rollNumber: rollNumbers){
System.out.print(rollNumber + " ");
The result is 10, 100, 9.
Here String sorts in alphabetical order, and 1 sorts before 9. Numbers sort before letters, and uppercase sorts before lowercase.
Arrays class has binarySearch() method to search an element.
The input parameters are sorted array and search element.
The output is depend on the scenario:
- If the target element found in sorted array then the result is the index of match
int[] rollNumbers={23,12,59};Arrays.sort(rollNumbers); // after sorting {12, 23, 59}
System.out.println(Arrays.binarySearch(rollNumbers, 23)); // found //at index 1
2. If the target element not found in sorted array then negative value showing one smaller than the negative of the index, where a match needs to be inserted to preserve sorted order.
int[] rollNumbers={23,12,59};Arrays.sort(rollNumbers); // after sorting {12, 23, 59}
System.out.println(Arrays.binarySearch(rollNumbers, 2)); // -1
Here it searches for the index of 2. Although 2 is not in the list, the search can determine that it should be inserted at element 0 to preserve the sorted order. Since 0 already means something for array indexes, Java needs to subtract 1 to give us the answer -1.
what is the output of the below code:
int[] rollNumbers={23,12,59};
Arrays.sort(rollNumbers); // after sorting {12, 23, 59}
System.out.println(Arrays.binarySearch(rollNumbers, 20)); // -2
Although 20 is not in the list, it would need to be inserted at element at 1 to preserve the sorted order. we negate and subtract 1 for consistency.
3. If the input array is unsorted array then the result is not predictable.
Arrays class has compare() method to compare two arrays to determine which is “smaller”. The return value of compare methods will be any of the following:
- Negative number means the first array is smaller than the second.
int[] array1={5};
int[] array2={10};
System.out.println(,array2));//prints negative number
2.A zero means the arrays are equal.
int[] array1={10};
int[] array2={10};
System.out.println(,array2));//prints zero
3.A positive number means the first array is larger than the second.
int[] array1={20};
int[] array2={15};
System.out.println(,array2));//prints positive number
now suppose if array lengths are different then the following rules will be applicable:
- If both arrays are same length and have the same values in each spot in the same order then it returns zero.
int[] array1={10,15};
int[] array2={10,15};
System.out.println(,array2));//prints zero
2.If all the elements are the same but the second array has extra elements at the end then it returns a negative number.
int[] array1={10,15};
int[] array2={10,15,20,25};
System.out.println(,array2));//prints negative number
3. If all the elements are the same but the first array has extra elements at the end then it returns a positive number.
int[] array1={10,15, 20,25};
int[] array2={10,15};
System.out.println(,array2));//prints positive number
If the arrays are equal, mismatch() returns -1. Otherwise, it returns the first index where they differ.
int[] array1={10,15};
int[] array2={10,15};
System.out.println(Arrays.mismatch(array1,array2));//prints -1int[] array3={10,15,20};
int[] array4={10,15};
System.out.println(Arrays.mismatch(array3,array4));//prints index 2
Things to Remember:
java.uti.Arrays class provides the methods sort(), binarySearch(), compare() and mismatch() for the array operations.
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